Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy Massage can relieve stresses, strains, heavy legs and an aching back.  Helping you feel nurtured and supported in a time of constant change.

Choose from a selection of three oils each safely formulated to be used during pregnancy massage to nourish and care for your expanding skin. Using the traditional aromatherapy pressure point massage for the upper back and paying particular attention to tight shoulders, this massage helps to relieve stress and tension. The legs are massaged, to ease the heavy feeling that can come with pregnancy. A full scalp and facial massage, with treatment oil chosen specifically for your skin type completes this top to toe treatment.

Give yourself a moment to appreciate the joy of pregnancy and leave the stresses of life behind you.

Your treatment couch will be correctly set as recommended during pregnancy and using carefully positioned pillows and cushions we will ensure your every comfort is met.

We can perform this treatment from week 14 in your pregnancy right the way up until your waters break.

Woman having Pregnancy Massage by beauty therapist at a beauty salon

What is pregnancy or prenatal massage?

Pregnancy massage as it is sometimes known shares many of the goals of regular massage,  to relax tense muscles, ease sore spots, improve circulation and mobility, and just make you feel good. But it’s also tailored specifically to the needs of pregnant women and their changing bodies, and therapists who are trained in prenatal massage adjust their techniques accordingly.

How do you lie on the table?

Most women find it uncomfortable to lie facedown right from the start of pregnancy because of their tender, swollen breasts. And you can’t lie facedown on a massage table once your belly has started to grow. On the other hand, it’s not a good idea to lie flat on your back either, particularly once you’re past mid-pregnancy, because the weight of your uterus puts too much pressure on the vein that returns blood from your legs to your heart.

For these reasons, you lie on your side with as many pillows as you need to support you and your bump.

How can pregnancy or prenatal massage help me?

Studies show that pregnancy or prenatal massage can reduce stress hormones in your body and relax and loosen your muscles. It can also increase blood flow, which is so important when you’re pregnant, and keep your lymphatic system working at peak efficiency, flushing out toxins from your body. And it reconnects your mind with your body, a connection that’s often comforting during pregnancy.

Regular pregnancy  massages may not only help you relax, but may also relieve insomnia, joint pain, neck and back pain, leg cramping, and sciatica. Additionally, it can reduce swelling in your hands and feet (as long as that swelling isn’t a result of preeclampsia), relieve carpal tunnel pain, and alleviate headaches and sinus congestion, all common pregnancy problems.  It may also lift depression without the use of medication, according to some scientific studies.

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