Laser Skin Treatments Consultation & patch test

At The Spa Therapy Room we offer a consultation and patch test to all potential clients, prior to any of our laser skin treatments.

What happens in a laser skin treatments consultation?

During your consultation we ask a series of questions to help determine if laser treatments are suitable for you. We will then discus the best treatment options available to get your desired results. We then perform a patch test to allow your practitioner to determine your laser parameters and also indicate any possible adverse reactions. Our patch tests are always free and we always test every area of your body that requires treatment.

  • Treatment goals and expectations
  • Current skincare routine
  • Previous skin treatments
  • How laser skin treatments works
  • Different types of laser technology
  • The treatment process and factors that will determine your results
  • Details about your medical history (including any current medications)
  • Pre-treatment requirements
  • Aftercare requirements
  • Cost and frequency of treatments
  • Predicated results of the treatment

The consultation process typically takes 30 minutes to 1 hour.

What is a patch test?

A patch test is carried out after conducting a consultation with the laser practitioner. There are a couple of reasons for carrying out a patch test, the first is for the practitioner to determine what the most effective settings for the laser parameters are in relation to your skin type. A professional laser practitioner will effectively carry out a patch test for each and every area of treatment. This is because your skin is not the same everywhere on your face and body.

Secondly, a patch test will indicate to you and your practitioner any adverse side effects or problems prior to a full session. Since it is carried out on a small patch of skin, if there are any problems they will be minimal. The test is done at least 48 hours before your first treatment, so that any reactions have time to appear and your treatment plan can be adjusted if necessary to ensure effective results with minimal side effects.

When do I get the patch test?

A patch test will be carried out at your initial consultation, after your details have been taken, including your medical history and any current medications. When your laser practitioner has gone through everything with you and answered all your questions, a patch test will then be performed on the areas which you are considering having a treatment on. This is a minimum of 48 hours prior to the commencement of your first session.

Is there a cost for a patch test?

Our consultation and patch test are free of any charges.

We believe in providing our clients with a professional and personal service. We are relentless in our pursuit of best practice, and will conduct a patch test on all the different areas of your body where you are considering undertaking a treatment. As you’ll have noticed, the skin on each part of your body can be very different.

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30 minutes£10*

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