The Spa Therapy Room Advent Calendar

The Spa Therapy Room Advent Calendar Gift Card Giveaway

Have you been following our Spa Advent Calendar on our Instagram and Facebook pages?

This year we have made it our best one yet! We are super excited to announce that our 2019 theme is based around our most popular Christmas Gift – The Spa Therapy Gift Card!

A gift card a day for 24 days!

We will be giving away a Spa Therapy Gift Card* for each day of Advent, along with some retail gift sets too.

To enter goto our Facebook or/and Instagram page.
1. SHARE or REPOST* each days post on your story or wall and tag @thespatherapyroom
2. FOLLOW us on Facebook or/and Instagram
3. TAG three friends below each days post

Our prize will be revealed the following morning along with the lucky winner!

”A gift card a day for 24 days”

Love, Lisa & The Spa Girls x

[*to share on Instagram you will need to repost to your story. Gift Cards will be for specific treatments or monetary values and will be announced each day]

Click below for;

Our Facebook Page

Our Instagram Page

To order a gift card

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